What is SKU?

What is SKU? Every eCommerce business model succeeds heavily on correct inventory management and a supply chain. To succeed, businesses need to focus closely on their SKU (stock-keeping unit) to understand inventory management levels, create bundle offers, and maintain a set of reorder points. And proper SKU management requires proper SKU analysis. What is SKU? A SKU stands…
E-commerce Coupon Marketing Strategies: Give Discounts, Get a Lot More

ecommerce coupon marketing strategies give discounts get a lot more In actual fact, countable shoppers anticipate paying the full amount for products and services when bought online. With numerous retailers now giving new clients discounts and digital coupons, it’s probably a discount code that exists to refer toward your succeeding online purchase. Retailers regularly add discounts…
What is the cost per unit, How to Calculate it, & Tips to Reduce It?

What is cost per unit? How to Calculate it & Tips to Reduce It? Companies frequently calculate if their business is profitable to determine if a business is profitable, companies constantly calculate if their product costs are lesser than the price of each product unit they retail. By knowing how to apply the cost per…
Most Important eCommerce Metrics You Need to Focus on First in 2025

Selling things online has never been both easier and harder. You need to plan strategies accordingly to reach more customers. You need to find the top platform to sell online like Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Wayfair and Etsy, high-ranking eCommerce platforms geographically. These platforms help you lower the barriers to entering a new online business. One…
Ecommerce strategies to help you reach more customers

Ecommerce strategies to help you reach more customers If you’re an eCommerce store owner this blog is for you. What-so-ever product or service you are selling here is some helpful advice to help you reach more customers and create a successful eCommerce strategy. Your online store will be capable of- Easy to access on all…
What is Ecommerce?

Ecommerce or electronic commerce are basically the transactions conducted through the internet. Every time individuals/companies buy or sell products and services online they engage in ecommerce. The term ecommerce also incorporates activities like online auctions, internet banking, payment gateways, online ticketing and more. How ecommerce came to be? The first ecommerce transaction was made in…